The time has come for red-haired Harold McBride Thurston '40 of Lowell House and Muskegon, Illinois, to speak of many things . . . including cabbages and kittens. Thurston has a female friend in Muskegon called Jane. He sent her a cabbage. She sent him a collect telegram. He refused the latter, at her expense.
Saturday she retaliated with a live kitten, which has fallen into the hands of Colonel Apted. The kitten is fated to lead a peaceful life as the new Yard cop cat, but still Thurston seeths with a vengeful spirit, for he is pondering upon an effective couner-attack.
Said Thruston ast night, 'I am torn between my love for Jane and the rogue in my spirit. What I wil decide, nobody knows, including myself." His voice sounded dreamy. "I might even ship her a spitting cobra," he mused.
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