

Crimson Hampered by Mid-Year Layoff; Resume League Play at Dartmouth Carnival on February 12

Taking the ice for the first time since they trounced Brown almost three weeks ago, Joe Stubbs' Varsity Hockey charges will be out for revenge tomorrow night when they tackle the St. Nicks at the Garden at 8:30 o'clock.

It is expected that the Crimson will have their hands full in turning the tables on the sextet which beat them to the decisive tune of 6-3 at the Brook-lynn Ice Palace during their Christmas Vacation excursion.

Moseley No Santa Claus

Eyes will be focused on Fred Moseley, former Crimson leader, who was anything but Santa Claus to the Crimson while personally accounting for the majority of the New Yorkers' talles in that contest. Record Of Varsity Hockey Team The record: Harvard 13  M. I. T. 0 Harvard 4  Boston Olympics 5 Harvard 5  B. U. 4 Harvard 5  Westchester Rangers 5 Harvard 3  St. Nicks 6 Harvard 6  Manhattan Arrows 3 Harvard 5  Montreal 1 Harvard 0  McGill 6 Harvard 3  Princeton 2 Harvard 10  Brown 2 Games to be played: St. Nicks  February 5 Dartmouth*  February 12 Princeton  February 16 Queens*  February 18 Toronto*  February 19 Dartmouth  February 23 Yale*  February 26 Yale  March 5 Yale* (if necessaray)  March 10

Although the Varsity has held informal practice sessions during the mid-year period, the players are not in top condition. Some of them have found it impossible to attend these practices. On the other hand the St. Nicks have been playing regularly since last facing the Crimson.


Allen Out For Season

The Harvard outlook was further darkened Tuesday by Stubbs' announcement that Russ Allen is definitel-through with hockey for the season. Allen has been handicapped with a severe knee injury since the fall. This makes Al Kevorkian's shift from the third line to Allen's defense post permanent and also assures Sophomore Dave Eaton of the third line pivot position.

Dartmouth Winter Carnival

The Stubbsmen do not resume league competition until a week from Saturday when they play the Big Green at the Dartmouth Winter Carnival. Princeton plays here the following Wednesday, and then the Crimson journeys to Canada to take on the Queens and Toronto sextets on Friday and Saturday respectively.

League Outlook

Whether Harvard will successfully defend their second place league position of last season will probably be decided during the trip to Canada. For the Crimson still appear to be the class of the American contenders, despite their small margin of victory against Princeton. Unpredictable Yale, however, recently provided a paradox by losing to weak Montreal and holding powerful McGill the very next night to Red Birds smallest margin of victory 6-8
