Last night's meeting of the Harvard Congress, if viewed in the light of the ovation given the Marquessa de Cienfuegos the night before, leaves the student of social progress in a rather glum frame of mind. For the Young Conservatives played to standing room only for a speech they had taken pains to label as publicity-seeking propaganda, whereas the Congress, meeting ostensiby to Advance and Perpetuate Learning, drew a crowd of fourteen by actual count.
Both organizations pay lip service to the lofty ideal of Free Inquiry, but with uncrring judgment the student body has given its patronage, and not a few of its nickles and dimes, to the group which chose to burlesque this ideal. But this is not all. Once gathered before the rostrum of James and Santayana, they pilloried the woman who stood there. With conduct that smacked of Union, Square they threw courtesy to the winds, catcalled, heiled, and howled.
Switching the spotlight to Winthrop discloses the Faithful Fourteen, wasting their fragrance on the desert air. This is Too Bad.
Things have come to a pretty pass when a large noise, prowling the streets, can lure susceptible students from their labors to fill them with Propaganda and Prejudice, while last night the more rational appeal of public placards should go unheeded. Turn back, turn back, Oh Time in thy flight!
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