
Crimson Basketball Quintet Trounces Cornell 40-30

Four Confident Track Teams Meet In Boston Garden Saturday Night

Now that the K. of C. and the B. A. A. Indoor track meets are over, and vagabonding "semi-professional" athletes no longer dominate the field, Harvard, Yale, Cornell, and Dartmouth take over the Garden boards Saturday night for their annual Quadrangular Meet.

Coaches of all four colleges impart confidentially that their respective team will take home the honors. Cornell is sure of it. Dartmouth is flaunting its hurdlers. Yale points to hurdlers Day and Shields, sprinters Burlingame and Kerr, and pole vaulter Bill Harding. Yesterday Harvard's assistant track coach, Bill Neufeld, said "I have an idea we're going to win this meet."

The Quad Meet, which took the place of the Triangular Meet three years ago, begins Saturday afternoon in the Briggs Cage at Soldiers Field when the 35 pound weight throw and 16 pound shot will be contested.

The Garden program in the evening will start at 7:30 o'clock with the broad jump, followed by the 45-yard high hurdles, the 50 yard dash, the 300 yard run, the 600-yard run, the mile and two mile relays, the high jump and the pole vault. There will be two Freshman events not to count in the points, the dash and one mile relay.

Crimson entries have not been officially released as yet. Alex Northrop, however, will run the mile, Sparks Sorlien the dash, Mason Fernald and Sherman Hoar the high hurdles, Rock Hollands and Paul Morgan are entered in the broad jump.


The mile relay team, famous as the result of the B. A. A. Games, will be composed of Frannie King, Joe Donnelly, Tudor Richards, and Jim Lightbody, barring new developments.
