First clash in the quarter-finals leading to the Ames Prize, between the Campbell-Ely and Warren Clubs, will be argued in the Langdell Court Room tonight at eight o'clock. Whether keeping a house painted and in good repair constitutes an "interest in the land," and if so, what effect will this have on a subsequent purchaser, is the subject of the discussion.
The next two week swill find a competition between the eight clubs that chalked up the highest rating in the qualifying rounds last term, to see which ones will argue out the semi-finals next term. The finals will follow in the spring.
Among the judges at the hearing tonight, will be Judge George H. Bingham, of the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit, Judge Hugh D. McLellan, of the United States District Court for Massachusetts, and John G. Palfrey '96, Boston attorney.
Argue Labor Laws Friday
Williston and Holmes Clubs will meet Friday night to argue points of labor law, before a bench including Mr. Justice Stanley E. Qua, of the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts, Professor Felix Frankfurter, of the Harvard Law School, and John J. Burns, Boston attorney.
The quarter finals of this competition for the coveted Ames Prize is only open to second year men, as the first year men take part in the "moot" trials for the Roscoe Pound Prize. The Ames Competition arguments are open to the public free of charge.
Holmes Club Pound Prize
Emerging the victor after a long competition among the first year law students, the Holmes club captured the Roscoe Pound Prize, according to a decision handed out Monday.
Closely trailing the Holmes Club which won with 1122 points, was the Williston Club with 1114, and the Kent Club with 1103. Langdell, Scott, and Edward Warren Clubs managed to finish the competition undefeated. Each Club that participates in this Annual Competition consists of eight men.
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