

Letter to Student Union Describes Aid in Evacuation of Wounded from Parancon

News that the Harvard ambulance in Spain was with an American unit right after Christmas is contained in a letter received by the Student Union.

The letter dated December 26 says: "The Harvard evacuation ambulance is now in the second American Mobile Unit, having proved its worth in the evacuation of wounded from Parancon. This ambulance was placed with the newest unit."

The American Unit is "eagerly awaiting" ambulances from other colleges, it continues. A drive for these was sponsored by the American Student Union in October and November.

Sent from Villa Paz, Spain, the letter describes the reaction of the troops there to the ambulance: "Capable of carrying twenty wounded from an operating front to first base hospitals, it has been a welcome sight to our troops."

Finds for the ambulance were raised here last spring by the Medical Bureau to Aid Spanish Democracy, headed by Walter B. Cannon '96, George Higginson Professor of Physiology in the Medical School. Last fall it was charged that the ambulance had not been sent to Spain by August and had been used in a Communist parade in New York.
