
Yard Cops Try Today For All-Flatfoot Team

Donaldson Appointed Manager As Apted Declines Honor For Contest

Yard cops announced today that they will hold a series of elimination tryouts for the selection of the bowling team that is to meet the Yale and Princeton campus police teams next week, via telegraph, in a Big Three All Flatfoot Bowling Meet.

Colonel Apted was immediately offered the post of manager which he declined on the grounds that he doesn't know anything about the sport. Although his secretary, an enthusiastic bowler herself, came forth with a cheerful suggestion about having a general day off declared for the match, the Colonel remarked that all alley-work would be done on the cops' own time.

Harry Donaldson was made playing manager by acclamation and the team will be chosen from among officers George DePinto, Fred Sennott, William Lawrence, "Speed" Kelly, Christy Morris, Matt Toohy, Bill "Flash" Graney, and "Shuffle" Wilson, pinch-hitter.

It was announced that only genuine officers, with badges, would be tolerated on the Yale team, a general suspicion of ringers being prevalent.
