
Crimson Will Open Competitions for News, Editorial and Business Aspirants With First Meeting on Monday Night

Business Board Experience Held Invaluable by Former Editors Now Out of College

A chance for Freshmen and Sophomores to work in a business competition hailed by business executives as invaluable training, is the opportunity offered by the CRIMSON business competition beginning Monday evening for Freshmen and Sophomores.

A member of this board gains an intimate knowledge of newspaper life, and gets practical experience that will prove of value in later life regardless of his profession. The CRIMSON is a working business organization and lets the board member get a "sound background in the elements of publishing, advertising, publicity, merchandising, selling, and the problems of circulation and printing."

As in other competitions no previous experience is necessary as a pre-requisite to coming out, as the paper is offering a "free course" in practical business training.

Typical of the former CRIMSON business men who value their early training with the college, Robert W. Harwood '20 says, "I have known of no other competition or management in college which gives a student as wide a knowledge and contact with outside business interests."
