Notice of the close of entries on February 18 has been dispatched to the forty-six college members of the Intercollegiate A.A.A.A. whose seventeenth annual indoor track and field championships will be held March 5 at Madison Square Garden.
The colleges eligible for the I.C.4-A. championships are Alfred, Amherst, Bates Boston College. Bowdoin, Brown, California, U.S.L.A., Carnegie Tech, Colby, Colgate, C.C.N.Y., Columbia, Dartmouth, Fordham, Georgetown, Harvard, Haverford, Holy Cross, Johns Hopkins, Lafayette, Lehigh Maine, Manhattan, Marquette, M.I.T. Michigan, Michigan State, N.Y.U., Northeastern, Penn State, Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, Princeton, Rhode Island State, Rutgers, Southern California, Stanford, Swarthmore, Syracuse, Union, West Virginia, William and Mary, Williams, and Yale.
Between thirty and thirty-five colleges normally enter the Indoor Intercollegiates. No entries are expected from the Pacific Coast colleges for the indoor meet, in which they have never participated.
Harvard Eighth Last Year
Columbia, which won the title for the first time last year with 34 5-14 points, will defend. Princeton, Manhattan, Dartmouth, Syracuse, Yale, Rhode Island, Harvard, and N.Y.U. finished in that order behind the Columbians.
Plans for the meet are being formulated by the Track and Field Committee, consisting of Asa S. Bushnell, Princeton, chairman and executive director of the I.C.4-1., Stanley de J. Osborne, Harvard, H. Jamison Swarts, Pennsylvania, Pincus Sober, C.C.N.Y., Vincent W. Farley, Manhattan, and Francis J. Brennan, Columbia.
Bushnell, Chairman
It is the first time that Bushnell, noted for the success of his Princeton Invitation Meets, has been chairman of the Intercollegiates.
Oustanding success of eligible I.C.4-A. contenders this winter points to perhaps the finest meet in I.C.4-A. history. Ben Johnson, Columbia captain, sensational record-breaker in the Millrose games, has twice scored I.C.4-A. doubles in the 60-yard sprint and broad jump indoors.
Jim Herbert, N.Y.U. Sophomore, unbeaten this year, is eligible for his I.C.4-A. debut. The Manhattan and N.Y.U. mile relays that returned 3:20.4 and 3:20.2 in the Millrose meet for the fastest performances ever returned in the Garden, won the I.C.4-A. one-mile and two-mile relay championships, respectively, last year.
Jack Donovan, Dartmouth hurdler; Bill Harding, Yale pole vaulter, and Artie Byrnes, Manhattan Sophomore high jumper, and Herb Weast, Columbia sprinter, are other Millrose place winners of note, eligible for the Intercollegiates on March 5.
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