

Twice during the year there emerges from University Hall a storm of little white envelopes containing what are euphemistically termed "study cards." To all but the most conscientious of undergraduates--who, months beforehand, have carefully planned the minute details of their curriculum--the familiar forms are distinctly painful; and the problem of deciding upon one's intellectual career is made doubly hard by the notorious vagueness of the official register.

For this problem the Council of Government Concentrators has a solution. Last night all the instructors giving second-half courses were coralled into Emerson F for a description and summary of their respective offerings, and bewildered--or merely undecided--students were able to sit in judgement. Such a plan is really of great value, for not only does it assist government concentrators in accurately planning their in-course preparation for divisionals, but it also affords men in other fields the opportunity of choosing an interesting side-line in a subject almost universally popular. The plan should certainly be extended.
