The average student's chances of having his "connections with the University severed" are not really as great as one is led to believe. Out of the entire college last year only 4.6 percent, or 172 men, was expelled, as compared with 6.3 percent, or 234 men in the preceding year.
The odds against expulsion are approximately 16-1, seemingly rather safe, but the 129 men whose connections were severed at Finals last year were deceived.
Percentages in Groups
The percentages of men in the six scholastic groups rises steadily until groups five, the paradise of 23.2 percent of last year's student body, is reached.
Last year's record is, in all categories of expulsion but two, a marked improvement over its predecessor. An increase of two men each may be seen under the cryptic heading, "students having connections severed," and "students required to withdraw," while improvement is noted under the other six self-explanatory headings. In fact no men at all were "dismissed," as compared with one apiece for the two preceding years.
Twenty-five men had their probation closed at one time or another during the year, and while the number of students now on "pro" is not available, those under that listing might well take heed.
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