

(Ed. Note--The CRIMSON does not necessarily endorse opinions expressed in printed communications.)

To the Editor of the Crimson:

The attention given to the Refugee situation is undoubtedly laudable. I think, however, that the Harvard Committee for Refugees is making a mistake in its method of attacking the problem. It seems to me that to help 25 refugee students through college by means of monetary subscriptions is short-sighted and unintelligent. I believe that the money to be raised should be used to help a mass of refugees to gain security in term of daily needs. To find means of getting out of Germany, to find a place to eat and sleep are their primary requisites. Higher education is at present a luxury for them.

With these thoughts in mind, I suggest that the Committee cited should alter the aims of its subscription campaign, and endeavor to alleviate the condition of a great many oppressed beings in Germany, rather than give means of a higher education to several.
