
Over the Wire

Notre Dame; Grid Champions

CHAMPAIGN, III.,--Notre Dame despite its defeat by Southern California, tonight was proclaimed national football champion by Frank G. Dickinson, Assistant Economics Professor at the University of Illinois and author of the Dickinson Football Rating System. The 1938 Dickinson ratings-- Rank  Team  W  L  T  Pis. 1  Notre Dame  8  1  0  27.72 2  Duke  9  0  0  37.10 3  Tonunessec  10  0  0  26.68 4  So.California  10  0  0  28.71 5  Oklahoma  10  0  038.69 6  Michigan  6  1  1  28.02 7  Minnesota  6  2  0  22.71 8  Texas Christian  10  0  0  22.67 9  Alabama  7  1  1  22.68 10  Carnegie Tech  7  1  0  22.62 11  Pitterburgh  8  2  1  22.64
