

Amendments Would Practically Make Striking, Picketing Illegal as Union Practices

The National Labor Relations Board is facing a crists because the vigorous and determined movement to "emasculate" the act which set it up is being met by a wearied and weakened defense, said Dr. J. Raymond Walsh, former instructor in Economics, in a speech sponsored by the Teachers Union, at Phillips Brooks House yesterday.

Walsh named the "post-Munich relapse" as a possible explanation for the disinterested attitude that is coming over the writers and supporters of "this progressive piece of legislation of the Roosevelt administration."

'Enemies' Seek Amendments

"Whatever it is," Walsh said, "the critics of the act are bargaining for amendments making 'coercion' by unions as well as employers, illegal. The term 'coercion' can be stretched to include all effective strikes, picketing, circular distributing even enthusiastic hymn singing in church has been called coercive by courts."

Walsh warned that the enemies of the Wagner act were attacking it from other sides, too. striking without a majority vote of all employees, sit-down strikes, and the collection of funds for political purposes, are all practices which would be illegal if any of the suggested amendments were added to the act.
