
Over the Wire

Convent Student Kidnaped

OXON HILL, MD, -- The grief-stricken mother of 18-year-old Mary Brown, convent student kidnaped near her home late yesterday, made another radio appeal to the abductors tonight, pleading with them to "return my child unharmed."

Mrs. William B. Brown's appeal was carried by the Columbia and National Broadcasting Systems as fears increased that the comely girl, seized by two men in a black delivery truck, may have been ravished and murdered.

Describing her daughter in detail, she asked that anyone having the slightest clue to her probable whereabouts contact the family. Her husband and another daughter, Lucy, 15, who fled through a muddy field when Mary was seized, stood beside her. Brown spoke briefly, saying that he had nothing to add to his wife's words "except that I want her back."

Meantime state, local and Washington police, Federal Bureau of Investigation and volunteer posses of farmers and CCC youths continued their search for the truck and the abductors' hideout, following clues furnished by Lucy.
