
Franconia Has Best Skiing In N. H.; Berkshires Are Fair

Safer Skiing Campaign Begins; "Skimobile" Installed at North Corrway

Best bet for skiers desiring to go North this weekend is Franconia, New Hampshire. Ted Hunter, well know Dartmouth ski expert, who was up there last week, reports that conditions at that Uma were splendid and that there is a good base due to continued tramping.

The Cannon Mountain funicular is in operation and there are two trains daily heaving the North Station for Plymouth, where a bus leaves at 4.15 o'clock in the afternoon for Franconia. One train leaves at 9 o'clock, the other at 12.30 o'clock, both connecting with the bus.

In Massachusetts, Pittsfield is the best skiing spot, according to the latest reports. The Berkshire "Mohawk" leaves daily at 7.55 o'clock. arriving at 11.52 o'clock. The daily Albany-Boston express can be used for the return trip. Brookline, New Hampshire, a four hour drive from Boston, reports good conditions. A ski two is running.

Ski Safety

Norwood Cox, coach of he Harvard Ski team was in the Harvard Coop booth at the Winter Sports Show last night. He started skiing in 1921 and turned professional when in college at Grenable, France, in 1920; taught in Italy and in Denver at the Colorado-Arlberg Ski Club. Cox intends to act as a part time coach of the Harvard team this winter.


Speaking from years of experience, Cox gave the following advice in the interests of skiing safety: "The average skier should get his turns down past, and be able to run under control. Then it is safe to run a little beyond his ordinary rate in order to progress. But in general, speed is like going to a party and getting drunk. Skiing is just as much fun in moderation as it is in excess."

The Red Cross is taking an interest in the safety campaign, inaugurated by Charles M. Dole of New York, president of the newly-formed National Ski Patrol Dr. L. M. Thompson of the Washington headquarters will sit in at the convention of the National Ski Association at Milwaukee today. He is scheduled to report on nationally organized skiing safety plans.

Skimobile Tramway

Cranmore Mountain, about half a mile from Eastern Slope Inn at North Conway, New Hampshire, is the site of a unique experiment in ski tramways. Since last spring men have been clearing a 3,000 foot slope which has a vertical rise of 658 feet. The tramway is known as the "Skimobile," and consists of 60 individual streamlined cars with pneumatic tires that are clamped at uniform intervals to a steel cable running under a wooden platform. There are several disembarking stations on the way to the summit, serving shorter runs.

Although there is no definite information as to whether the tramway will run this weekend, there is a daily train which leaves the North Station at 8:35 o'clock in the morning arriving at North Conway early in the afternoon. The round trip fare, with a three day stopover privilege, is $5.60.
