The results of the poll on social-economic questions devised by the Brown Herald which we published today show an amusing attitude at Yale toward these fundamental issues. If the 700 odd ballots are an accurate cross section of public opinions, as they certainly should be, it seems that Yale is opposed to greater control by the government of the nation's economic forces. . . . . .
"Organization of labor into national unions." Opposed by 51.2 per cent.
"The maintenance or increase of tariffs and other trade barriers." Opposed by 65.7 per cent.
"The further extension of public ownership of electric utilities." Opposed by 54.5 per cent.
The fact that the poll ... deals with general policies rather than with specific acts or measures makes it even more astounding that Yale opinion is so completely conservative. Perhaps Yale conservatives are more simply honest in their opposition to government regulation than most standpatters, but certainly this poll indicates that realization of the inevitability of government regulation of private enterprise has not come to a great many Yale students as yet. These men are pursuing an ostrich-like policy. --Yale News
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