There is a battle for food raging on three fronts. On the undergraduate side the fate of the "outhousers" is temporarily suspended until their own opinions based on the Student Council committee's poll become known. The situation among the graduate bodies is more pressing because both the graduate students and the whole body of law students have taken matters into their own hands in an attempt to solve the problem of where they are going eat. No sooner did members of the graduate schools (including a few law students and Radcliffe graduates) achieve tangible success in the organization of a cooperative eating society, than questionnaires were distributed among fourteen hundred members of the law school asking their opinion about a general eating center. Favorable early returns suggest that the whole issue will soon come to a head. If the law school demands an eating center, then either the newly hatched plan for graduate eating society will have to be greatly enlarged to include both the law school and the graduate schools or else the University will have to come across with a new dining hall.
Plans have already been made by the ambitious body of graduate students, helped by a University loan just increased to over $5,500, to start remodeling Andover Hall. If really strong relationship becomes apparent at the top or the organization, additional financial backing will probably be received. However, the demand by the University that the Radcliffe members be excluded before the loan will be put through means that quite possibly one of the most enthusiastic elements of the society and one will considerable financial importance will be removed. The remaining male proponents will be faced with a difficult task.
On top of this comes the very important problem of the food for the law school. Assuming that they come out strongly in favor of central eating place, the University will be forced to consider the financial possibilities of erecting a huge new dining system to satisfy the needs of the law students and all the other graduate students. The chances of an immediate undertaking in this direction are unfortunately remote. Therefore as a temporary expedient, it would seem much more practical to set up, instead of two distinct graduate eating organizations, one large all-inclusive society. For the time being it would probably have to content itself with the basement of Andover Hall, but the success of the undertaking would mean a rapid expansion and additional dining halls. The matter of moment, however, is to get as much food for as many people possible, in as effort a time as possible.
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