

Winslow, Patrick, and Eaton Score One Goal Each to Beat Speedy Team Which Outplayed Yale

In a promising display of heads-up hockey, the Varsity hockey squad over-came a first period deficit at the Arena last night to defeat a favored Junior Olympic team 3 to 1 in the opening clash of the Crimson ice season.

Winslow, Patrick, and Eaton each contributed one goal to the victory as the first puck team to play under the regime of Coach Clark Hodder came from behind to score two goals in the second period and one in the closing minutes of the third.

Austie Harding Injured

The Crimson win was particularly auspicious for two reasons. In the first place it was against a fast team of former scholastic and college stars which had outplayed a strong Yale team last week. In the second place the victory came despite the loss of Austie Harding, captain of the team and first line center, who was forced to leave the game early in the first period as a result of a shoulder injury.

The first two Crimson goals, scored by Eaton and Patrick respectively, came within five minutes in the last half of the second period. On the first goal Hunnewell brought the puck down around the defense and in back of the Olympic goal to pass out to Eaton, at center ice, who made a high back-handed shot over the prostrate goalie, to score after 13.36 minutes of play.


Then at 18.42 Patrick put the Hoddermen in the lead when he scored on a pass-out shot from Winslow in a mix-up around the Olympic net.

Winslow's goal came in eighteen minutes of the last canto when he converted a pass from Patrick following a Crimson three-man dash into Olympic territory.

Olympics Score in First

The Olympics' one and only score of the game came in 10.40 minutes of the first period with two Crimson players in the penalty box. Both Perkins and Win Jameson were doing time for illegal checking when Priestly of the Olympics set up the play with a setup pass to Shaugnessy in front of the goal.

After the first few minutes of the second period, the game, which began as a slow, close-checking affair, began to open up, and from then on it was fast, exciting hockey all the way through. Brilliant saves by Freedley, who replaced Mittell as netminder early in the game, were the only thing that prevented the Olympics from scoring at least twice in the last period. Most spectacular of these came when he dropped his stick to catch a well-placed penalty shot from the stick of Cliff Thompson, Olympic forward and former Stoneham star.

From the second period on it was a hard checking game, with frequent penalties and one near fight, after a body check by Win Jameson felled Bill Sullivan, Olympic first line center. Five penalties were called against the Crimson, four of them for illegal checking.

Southern California Saturday

Last night's encounter made the prospects for a victory in Saturday's game with Southern California's fast sextet a little more promising. Also encouraging is the fact that Harding will probably be able to play Saturday, although even his presence will be no guarantee against the Canadian imported six from the Coast.

Hockey summary: HARVARD  JUN. OLYMPICS Patrick, l.w.  l.w., Thompson Harding, c.  r.w., Owen Winslow, r.w.  c., Sullivan Jameson, l.d.  l.d., Aura Houghton, r.d.  r.d., Chapman Mittell, g.  g., Donoghey

Harvard spares: Hulse, Ervin, Hunnewell, Eaton, Willetts, Carstein, Aldrich, Coleman, Cox, Houghton, Claffin, Freedley, Johnson.

Olympics spares: Priestly, Chapman, Dixon, Harvey, McKinnon, McLeod, Garron.

Goals -- First period. Shaughnessey (Priestly) 10:40. Second period, Eaton (Hunnewell) 13:36; Patrick (Winslow) 18:42. Third period, Winslow (Patrick) 15:43.

Referees: Lefevre and Mahoney.
