Christ is the only alternative to the complete disillusion toward which we are drifting or one of two or three totalitarian forms of government," said Dr. Emil Brunner, visiting professor at the Princeton Theological Seminary, in an address last night in Emerson D on the subject "The Challenge of Christ,"
"Most Americans do not have the sense of being in the midst of a world crisis as Europeans do," he stated. "They think the trouble of Communism, Fascism, and Nazlism is a European affair."
"We do not adore these new pagan gods of the totalitarian states," he said, "but it is because we adore no gods at all. Secularism is a poor substitute for paganism."
Dr. Brunner compared the modern revolutions to "pseudo-churches using a pseudo-conversion to a pseudo-kingdom of God." He called attention to the fact that they are all interested chiefly in the formation of a new type of man.
"The reason that they are pseudo is that they do not really create a new man but merely shape him according to their wishes," he maintained.
Either a Christian revolution or one similar to the other twentieth century revolutions is inevitable according to Dr. Brunner. We must return to the way of Christ, in whom alone we recognize the unity of the truly divine and the truly human, he said.
"The present day revolutions are the result of the chaotic European system after the war and during the last century."
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