

Massachusetts Leads With 143 Men to 57 From New York, Connectiout, and New Jersey Regions

Award of six historic scholarships, all more than two hundred years old and this year totalling $2,200, to six upperclassmen in Harvard College, was announced today, as follows:

Lady Mowlson scholarship, established in 1643, the oldest scholarship in the College, to Albert C. Howell '41, of Sandy Hook, New Jersey.

Hollis scholarship, established in 1722 "for pious young students designed for the ministry," to Edward P. Wallace '41, of Newton Center, Massachusetts.

Mary Saltonstall scholarships, established in 1733, for "Juniors and Seniors in Harvard College (always dissenters)," to C. Bedford Johnson Jr. '40, of Amarillo, Taexas and William A. McFadden '39, of Rahway, New Jersey.

Saltonstall scholarships, established in 1733, to Leverett S. Tuckerman Jr. '40, of Salem, Massachusetts, and Karl M. Davies '40, of Minneapolis, Minnesota.


Massachusette Awards

One hundred and forty-three Massachusetts upperclassmen of high scholastic standing in Harvard College have been awarded scholarships totalling $38,750 for the current academic year by vote of the Corporation, it was an nounced today. The students are:

Edward H. Addelson '39, Charles D. Aldrich '40, Graham G. Alverd (37 ocC, Wayne F. Anderson '41, Dion J. J. Archon '40, Edmund W. Banas '39, James M. Banghart '40, Bernard Barber '39, Clarence H. Barber '40, Abraham N. Barger '39, Harry E. von Bergen '41, Edward A. Bergstrom '39, Christoph F. W. Berliner '40, Melvin B. Black '40, Howard L. Blackwell Jr. '39, Norman D. Blotner '40, Coleridge A. Braithwaite '39, Norman H. Brisson '39, Sidney I. Brodie '40, Harold James Etmekjian '39, Murray F. Foss '40, Melvin H. Freedman '41, Pasquale F. Frisoli '40, William R. Frye '40, of Wollaston, Willard P. Fuller Jr. '40, Gerard G. C. Galassi '39, Arnold S. Gale '40, Anthony Galluccio '39, Joseph J. Geehern '40, James Mack. Gillespie '41, Joseph Greenberg '40, Sumner Hangler '39, Robert B. Hayden '40, Raymond F. Healey '40, Thomas V. Healey '40, Gordon S. Iorardi '39, Harry M. Johnson Jr. '39, Charles A. Kane '39, Heury Kaplan '40, Jacob J. Kaplan '40, Elmer V. Kenncally '40, Paul Kerins '41, Arthur H. Klein '39, Max Kraus '41.

Leavitt - Quint

Julian J. Leavitt '39, Lecuard E. Leboeuf '39, Fred M. Levin '41, Irving M. London '39, Martin J. Lydon '40, Roger C. Lyndon '39, George B. Lyons '40, Newton MacLeod Jr. '40, Denis J. Maguire '41, Harry K. Mausfield '41, RobBrown '39, Jeseph J. Buckley '39, Theodore F. Bullen Jr. '40. Robert M. Bunker '39, Seymour Bunshaft '39, John Burbank '39.

Calkins - Dunham

Wendell N. Calkins '39, of Wakefield, Robert L. Calvert '39, Daniel Chansks '39, Maurice S. Cohen '41, Arnold G. Cook '40. John "R. Cooke '40. Charles H. Coombs Jr. '40, Nicholas J. Cotsonas Jr. '40, Thomas E. Cotter Jr. '40, John B. Crimmins '41, Carlyle Croning '39. Franklin N. Cunningham '41, Sammel R. D'Amice '39, Jacob R. Daua '40, Hamilton Q. Dearborn '39. Leonidas H. Demeter '39. Martin J. Dempsey '41, Joseph P. Driscoll '41, Louis J. Dunham Jr. '39.

James C. Eaton '39. Lawrence F. Ebb '39. Barold N. Edinberg '39, John E. Eldridge '41, Stanley M. Epstein '39, ert B. Maye '40, Euripides L. Metaxas '39, paul A. Moylan '40, James P. O'Donnell '39, Charles Packard '39, Sumner A. Pendleton '39, Enrico A. Pepe '40, Chris G. Petrow '41, Melvin Pollard '41, Jack D. Porter '40, Robert K. Presson '39, George Quint '40.

Radin - Swain

Justin J. Radin '40, Wains T. Ray '39, Norman J. Richards '40, Elliot L. Richardson '41, Samuel B. Richmond '40, James M. Robertson Jr. '39, Fred Rogoesin '39, Isadore N. Rosenberg '40, Sidney Rsenberg '40, Sidney D. Ross '39, Leon N. Satenstein '39, Abraham Schneider '41, Charles J. Shagoury '40, Ely A. Shamieh '41, Harold S. Shapero '41, Bernard D. Shea '41, Harry M. Shooshan Jr. '39, William Siegel '39, Francis E. Silva Jr. '41, Richard V. Smith '41, Irving H. Soden '39, Samuel Soll '40, Leon D. Starr '40, paul K. Stumpt '41, Charles G. Swain '40.
