
Plan E Opponents Hold Final Rally To Defeat Motion

Landis Will Answer Charges of Speaker at Plan E Rally Tonight

Anti-Plan E adherents, 500 strong, cheered and applauded scathing attacks on Proportional Representation and its backers in the University in a final rally at Rindge Tech's Quinn Auditorium last night. Tonight in a rally at the same hall. Dean Landis will speak in behalf of the proposed system.

Charging that Plan E is an un-American attempt to destroy democratic government and is fostered by the "Brattle Street minority" and "learned intellectuals" at Harvard, five speakers demanded that Cambridge voters quash the proposal for a city manager at the election next Tuesday.

Dean Landis of the Law School, chairman of the Committee for Plan E bore the brunt of the attack, as his campaign slogan of the "People against the Politicians" was changed by Plan E opponents to "Landis against the People."

Bringing up the issue of the University's labor, troubles last Spring. Leo Moran, most vehement speaker of the evening said, "Dean Landis better clean up his own back yard before going down to Washington again, and Roosevelt, if he knew the facts, would be the first to tell Landis that very thing." Moran attacked the Harvard Employees' Representative Union as a company union, and stated that the University, in view of its labor policy, should be the last institution in the city to urge better civic administration.
