

Large Audience Hears Debate; Bellboys Flay Pact, Call Schumpeter "Naive" And "Machiavellian"

Government 1 triumphed over Economics 145a last night in Lowell House Common Room when a Bellboy debating team boasting William Y. Elliott, Professor of Government, as front man defeated a Dunster trio led by Joseph A. Schumpeter, George F. Baker Professor of Economics.

A hundred and fifty people attended the debate, second in the current inter-House series.

Taking the negative on the question, "Resolved: That this house approves the Munich Pact," the Bellboys won a unanimous decision from the judges. A post-debate vote revealed that the audience disapproved of the pact by a two to one margin.

Cross-Examination Used

The debate, in the course of which Professor Schumpeter was variously described as "naive" and as possessing "Machiavellian insight", was conducted on the Oxford Union system, which involved a maximum of cross-examination and a the minimum of perorations. Spencer D. Pollard, instructor in Economics, presided.


In defending the Four-Power Pact the Funsters stated that Hitler was not bluffing about his intention of annexing the Sutdeten area, that the democracies didn't have the will to fight, that a manifest injustice was remedied by the Munich settlement, and that German demands are now satisfied. Rendigs T. Fels '39 and Ralph L. Gustin, Jr., '40 completed the Dunster roster.
