

Harnden Breaks 3-3 Tie Only 10 Seconds Before End of Last Extra Period

Frank Harnden broke through a strong Tech defense to break a 3 to 3 tie and turn the tide ten seconds before the end of the last extra period in the Crimson booters' match with M. I. T. yesterday afternoon which put the Crimson soccer team at the top of the New England League, in a 4-3 victory.

Mendel scored early in the first period, but the next two periods were marked by a weak Crimson defense which allowed the engineers to roll up 3 goals before the end of the half.

The Tech boys were not the strongest team on the Crimson schedule this year, but they played hard soccer and took advantage of any Crimson weakness

Crimson Men Prevall

The Crimson booters held the ball down in Tech territory most of the third period, but the Tech goal was a little too small to welcome well placed boots by Mendel, Page, and Witkin.


A swift attack from the left wing by Mendel and a quick boot by Page accounted for the second Crimson goal. Harden later evened up the score in the fourth period.

The first five minute period was barren, but in a tardy drive in the last few seconds Harnden put the Crimson ahead. Ives, substituting for Captain Johansen in the last part of the fourth period, put a hard fight on the right wing.

The lineup:

Williams, g., Bradley, r.f.b., Hardenberg, l.f.b., Edgar, l.h.b., Scully, r.f.b., Jacobsen, c.f.b., Mendel, l.o., Harden, r.i., Page, c.f., Witkin, l.i., Johansen, r.

Substitutes -- Lewis, Phillips, Rousmaniere, Ives.
