When Harvard men hit the bottle, its apt to contain either Scotch or that old demon Rum, according to the liquor interests in Harvard Square and vicinity, which comprise an industry closely rivaling the tutoring schools in extent.
The general consensus of opinion in an informal survey conducted yesterday was that after Scotch and Rum, wine-dealer the popular beverage. One wine-dealer growled, "What Harvard guys want, I haven't got: Wheeskey!"
Yales Good Customers
Peak sales come on football week-ends, with alumni and transients doing much of the buying. Local liquor men are peeved that the Yale game is away this year. They count on old Eli to kick in with plenty. As for which Houses are the biggest consumers of bottled sunshine, no one seems to know. "They all buy plenty," said one old-timer. "Adams, Lowell, Leverett, Wigglesworth, Adams. . . ."
When it came to estimating the amount of liquor bought every year by Harvard students, dealers were leary "Suppose I said $70,000?" one man asked. "It might hurt the cause. After all, fellows are here to study, and drinking's only supposed to be a side-line."
The Business School is always a good customer, particularly noticeable since of necessity the boys across the river get their liquor by delivery instead of on a cash and carry basis. "Freshmen? They don't bother us much," said one veteran dealer.
Beer Not Big Item
Beer is not a big item in the liquor dealers' trade, partly because of the many bars in the district. "After all, you can drink beer anywhere on Harvard Square," a liquor man said. "But then what's the attraction for drinking in Harvard Square?"
Although most stores feel that business is better this year, one man was worried about the warm autumns the past few years. Glancing about to make sure that his heresy would not be over-heard, he whispered, "Personally, I'd just as soon have a bottle of pop at a game on one of these hot Saturdays."
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