
Five Men Elected to P. B. H. Social Service Committee

Group Reports 150 Volunteers, Hopes To Have 200 in Field Soon

Four Winthrop House men very among the five admitted to the Social Service Committee of Phillips Brooks House Monday night at the close of a two-week competition which included actual settlement work as will as the routine of securing speakers and writing reports.

The successful Puritans were Benjamin Barnes '41, Frederic Griffin '40, Eliot Richardson '41, and Joseph Stern '40. Robert Metzner, of 65 Oxford Street, also completed the competition satisfactorily and was admitted to the committee.

A Freshman competition is now under way, directed by Nathaniel Ratchelder '39, and two Yardlings are expected to be taken on the committee next week.

The Social Service unit, which is headed by Irving S, Michelman '39, announced yesterday that it had enlisted 160 volunteers this Fall and hoped soon to have more than 200 men engaged in boys' club work at the 30 Boston and Cambridge settlement houses served by P. B. H.
