As a tribute to one of its most illustrious graduates, a portrait of Mr. Justice Louis D. Brandeis '77 was yesterday unveiled in a ceremony at 5 o'clock in the Court Room of Langdell Hall.
Two life long friends of the Supreme Court Justice, who on Sunday celebrated his eighty-second birthday, spoke on Brandeis preceding the unveiling. They were Monsignor John A. Ryan of the Catholic University at Washington, D. C. and Charles C. Burlingham '79, former president of the Association of the Bar of New York City.
Professor Felix Frankfurter of the Law School introduced the speakers after eulogizing Brandeis as the "pride of the Harvard Law School."
Monsignor Ryan praised the Justice for his "shining and inspiring example to all who love America." According to Ryan, as a legislator, as an industrial statesman, and as a fundamental democrat, Brandeis was ever seeking Social Justice. "He is one of the two or three generally conceded great Americans of our times."
"Decisions--on Realities"
As a friend of 60 years' standing, Burlingham noted that Brandeis followed the principle that "decisions must be based on the realities of our changing world . . . his portrait will hang here as an inspiration to Faculties to come and to students."
Dean Landis accepted the portrait on the part of the Law School from the donors, friends of the Justice and alumni. The painting was done by Eben F. Comins of Washington who was present at the ceremony.
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