


A portrait of Justice Brandeis '77, honorary A. M. '91, who celebrates his eighty-second birthday next Sunday, will be unveiled next Monday afternoon at 5 o'clock in the Court Room of Langdell Hall in the presence of members of the law school's Faculty and student body, friends and relatives of the justice, representatives of the Law School Association, and members of the bar.

The donors of the portrait are friends of the justice, most of them alumni of the law school. The artist is Eben F. Comins, of Washington, who will be present at the ceremonies.

Burlingham, Ryan 'to, Speak

The speakers, both life long friends of Mr. Brandeis, will be Charles C. Burlingham '79, New York lawyer, formerly President of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York and President of the Harvard Alumni Association, and Monsignor John A. Ryan, of Washington, Professor of Moral Theology and Industrial Ethics at Catholic University and Director of the Social Action Department of the National Catholic Welfare Council.

Professor Felix Frankfurter of the law school, author of "Mr. Justice Brandeis," a study published in 1932, will preside at the ceremonies, and Dean James M. Landis, who was law clerk to Justice Brandeis in 1925, will make the address of acceptance on behalf of the school.


Will Hang in Reading Room

After the ceremonies the portrait will be transferred to the Reading Room in Langdell Hall, where it will hang opposite the portrait of Justice Holmes.

Justice Brandeis was practising law in Boston when he received the honorary degree of Master of Arts from Harvard in 1891. He had been an Instructor in Evidence at the school for one year, 1882-1883, and had been active in organizing the alumni of the school.

His honorary degree citation said: "A man skilled in the law and legislation, who has deserved well of his University because of his zeal in establishing the association of alumni of the law school."
