

Harvard University is undertaking a study of "the forces that have produced normal young men"...

How "normal" are Harvard graduates? Two years ago Mr. John Tunis managed to assemble data on his class ... and his article in Scribner's indicated that his class was "normal" only in its lack of distinction... The majority had failed to attain the goals they had established for themselves...

Will studies such as this one Harvard is making and new techniques of education and guidance enable universities to improve the lives of men in a class such as Mr. Tunis describes?... Mr. Tunis seemed to believe that perhaps it was expecting too much of American education to ask it ... to produce leaders from a set of average humans. This may indeed be calling for miracles, but certainly it is not too much to ask education to try to help as many youths as possible to a "normal" satisfactory life. The Hartford Courant
