
P. B. H. Calls for Volunteers

Chemistry one of many activities in settlement house boys' clubs which are directed by social service workers. The Committee consisting of Irving Michelman '39 and Calvin Stillman '39, co-chairmen, Edward Allis '41, Cameron Burrage '41, Langdon Burwell '41, John Donnell '40, Robert Glaser '40, Robert Krancer '40, Cyrus Marden '40, Arthur Page '40, Robert Russell '41, and Lonsdale Stowell '41 is working to fill a very large number of requests from Boston's 30 settlement houses.

The committee has sent out 700 postcards to persons who signified interest in social service work at registration. Among the many positions to be filled are leaders of boys' clubs, instructors in chemistry, dramatics, manual training, etc. Men are also wanted for adult education and naturalization work.

Michelman and Stillman announce that a competition will start next week to find workers competent to fill special positions.
