Towards earning a small part of their tuition here, 230 hawk-eyed undergraduates check up daily on attendance and report "cuts" in over 30 College courses to University Hall, it was disclosed today by Assistant Dean in charge of records, Reginald H. Phelps '20.
Student monitors are considered by the College as officials of the University, and are under strict obligation to attend all meetings of courses for which they have been appointed takers of attendance. The list of courses in which reports are made include almost all courses regularly open to Freshmen.
Instructors May Call Roll
In 27 courses section men themselves call the roll, while in French F and Mathematics A students are employed as monitors in sections containing over 30 men. Instructors in any course, however, have the right to take attendance if "it would be for the best interest of the class".
Monitors are used in: Anthropology A, Chemistry A, B, and 2, English A-1, 1, 1a, Astronomy 1, Biology D, Biology 2, 23, and 35a, Fine Arts 1a and 1d, French 6, Geography 1, Geology 1, German F, Government 1, History 1, History 5a, mathematics 2, Music 1, Philosophy A, B, and C, Physics B, C, and F, Psychology A, and Sociology Aa.
Courses meeting in sections in which the assistants are monitors are: Economics A, Engineering Sciences 1a, English A, French A, B, C, D, and E, and 1, Greek A, B, and G, Italian 1, Latin A, B, and 1, Military Science 1 and 2, Naval Science 1 and 2, Spanish 1 and 5.
Duties of Head Monitor
Obligations of the head monitor include arrangement of seating, responsibility for notifying instructors of students who drop or all the course, and checking up on various section monitors who work under him.
About 229 applications for the positions were made to Miss Peter this year, Phelps said, but pointed out that many have to be rejected if the Dean's office reports that their standing is poor. Although 230 monitor posts are open, the number of attendance-takers is really much less than that, owing to the fact that that most of them make reports for more than one course.
They are required to mark students absent if, at six minutes past the hour, or at a time designated by the instructor, they are not in their assigned seats. Head monitors are required to collect absence reports of section assistants, which they must file at University Hall by 5 o'clock that day.
Monitors are liable to sharp reprimand when a student who is reported absent is able to prove to the satisfaction of the Dean's office that he was present and in his right seat.
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