
Coordinated Efforts of Seven Men Are Needed For Working of Soldiers Field Speaker System

Scoreboard is Operated by Remote Control From Public Address Booth


When the speaker system in Soldiers Field booms out "Macdonald by Gibson" or cheerfully announces "Harding to Daughters; failed," and when the scoreboard indicates the vital statistics of the play, the coordinated efforts of no less than seven men have been involved.

From the field Martin A. Evers, Jr. '40, and Dougles G. MacLood '39 start the ball rolling after each play by reporting the member of the ball-carrier and the tackler to the public address booth, high on the south side of the stadium. Using telephones plugged in at the twenty yard markers, they have long enough extension cords to cover the entire field.

Dale Behind Speaker

The man behind the loudspeaker is Charley Dale, who has two microphones, one to the stadium and the other to the press box. As a check on the accuracy of the field reports, he enlists the assistance of a spotter from the visiting team each week. And in the press box James, Sullivan '36, former Varsity right-fielder, also keeps an eye out to avoid mistakes.


The scoreboard at the opposite end of the oval is operated by remote control from the public address both, where George Whiteside and A. J. Cassidy chalk up the score by punching buttons on an apparatus that is a cross between a typewriter and a telephone switchboard.

Fenalties are reported from the field after confirmation by the head linesman.

The present public address system was installed last spring for a year's trail, and will probably be retained, it.
