This afternoon at 2 o'clock the eyes of the football world will be focused on Soldiers Field where a thrice-beaten Harvard team will go out to face one of the greatest elevens ever produced in the east. Into this forty-fifth meeting with the Crimson will come a Dartmouth team undefeated in its last 19 straight games, and unbeaten and untied this year.
Harvard has not subdued the Big Green since a field goal and a touchdown did the trick for Captain Ben Ticknor's eleven in 1932, score 10-7. After a 7-7 tie in 1933, the Crimson have bowed respectively 10-0, 14-6, 26-7, and 20-2. Dartmouth, on the other hand, very carelessly dropped a 7-0 decision to Holy Cross early in the 1936 campaign but has managed to make up for this lapse fairly well, except of course for a few ties, two of which, Yale and Cornell, came last year.
Harvard's Climactic Clash
Coach Earl Blaik brings the strongest offensive team which Coach Dick Harlow has ever faced in his four-year tenure here. The enemy starting backfield is one of the dog-gonedest scoringest concoctions ever put together, with Captain Bob MacLeod, who has hit pay territory 19 times in 19 straight frays, leading the procession. After him comes Bill "Mudder" Hutchinson and fullback Colby Howe, both fleet-footed pigskin toters who can fill the bill at either end of aerials. There is also sophomore Sanford Courter, starting quarterback, who has given promise of being another in a decade of great Dartmouth backs.
It should look hopeless for Captain Green and his men, but it just doesn't. In the first place, there is no question that the Crimson team has pointed for this clash ever since the opening bell on September 9. Their offense has improved steadily from Brown through Cornell and Army, and their defense has fallen down only on the "break" variety of touchdowns.
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