
Student Council to Make Study Of Athletic Set-Up of College

Council Recommends an Earlier Closing Hour Due to Recent Complaints of Noise

As one of its major investigations for the current year, the Student Council voted last night to conduct a survey of the athletic set-up at "Harvard" including a broad study of the nature and progress of sports as well as their place in the undergraduate life of the college.

A committee of eight men were appointed to work on the survey, although it is understood that he group will call in other undergraduate aid as the need arises. Those appointed were from the Council, Cleveland Amory '39 chairman, Robert l. Green '39 mason Fernald '40 and Douglas Mercer '40 and from outside the council Robert T. Gannett, 2d '39, Joseph A. Patrick '39, David S. Burt '40, and Hughes Call '40.

Amory is president of the CRIMSON Green is captain of football, Fernald is a member of the track team, Mercer is Councilman in charge of Freshman Affairs, Gannett is president of the Undergraduate Athletic Council, Patrick is a member of the hockey team. Hurt is a member of the tennis team and call is head of the inter-House Athletic Council.

Six-Point Survey

Among the items which the group will consider in their survey are the following: (1) The functions and powers of the various athletic committees and the possibilities of coordinating these bodies; (2) The advisability of Junior Varsity teams in some sports and their connection with the House program; (3) The House program and the possibility of enlarging the Freshman intramural competition; (4) The progress of nature of the athletic endowment plan; (5) The different problems brought up by the changes in facilities of some sports, such as the new Boston Skating Club rink for hockey; (6) The possibility of the further availability of athletic facilities to all students.


The athletic survey is the second major investigation announced by the Student Council so far this year. The other and major inquiry will be made on the subject of Harvard education as a whole. The committee report will be released at the next council meeting.

Eliot Grill Report

Also at last night's meeting, the Council's second of the year, a committee which had been investigating the alleged noisiness and rowdiness of the Eliot House Grill users issued their report. The committee consisted of James D. Light body '40 chairman, Robert M. Bunker '39, and Theodore Hazitt '40; their report was passed unanimously by the Council and calls for the following recommendations to be made to Aldrich Durant, business manager of the University:

(1) That the last time for serving be changed from 12 o'clock to 11:30 o'clock: (2) That the doors be closed and customers asked to retire at 12 o'clock instead of 1 o'clock; (3) That the Yard policeman in whose territory the Grill lies be asked to see that customers leave as promptly as possible after 12 o'clock; and (4) That posters asking for quiet for those retired be displayed prominently.

$2000 to P.B.H.

The Council also voted to turn over to Phillips Brooks House $2000 of the money paid in pledges so far. Also $100 will be given to the Class Album Committee to defray initial expenses.

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