
Harriers Meet B. U. Runners On Cambridge Course Today

Varsity and freshman cross country runners will hold the first regular met of the 1938 season this afternoon at 3:30 with Boston University on the Cambridge course.

The Varsity meet will be held on the flat course of approximately four and a quarter miles, starting on the Cambridge side of the river, while the Freshmen will urn the regular course. Both races will finish at Newell Boathouse.

Running the first seven places for the Varsity will be: Roswell Brayton, captain, Jean Clark, who ran second to Northrop in the Yale mile last year, Ken Tuttle, Bob Nichols, Charlie Old-father, who won the freshman mile against Yale last year, Dick Wing, and Dave Simboli. Sodka and Jay are expected to make the best showing for the Freshmen.
