Eight times in the last ten years the Yard, Memorial Drive, and Soldiers Field shaken with the measured tramp of marching feet, and each year Harvardians like it more, for, like everybody, they love a parade.
This year one half of the West Point Cadets, 900 in number, are due to arrive at the Back Bay Station at 8:35 tomorrow morning. Porters and taxis they will pass up, for they must form and march to the Park Street Subway Station. Here they will deposit $90 and ride to Cambridge to be dismissed.
Dismissal never lasts long for a Cadet, however, and in this case, it is very short. They must cat their midday snack in the Union and then reassemble in front of Sever Hall about noon for the march to the Stadium. After pursuing a short policy of watchful waiting, they will enter the Stadium at 1:15 and parade until 1:30. After the game they will be dismissed until they depart for home at midnight. It is not definite how much spending money they will receive, but it is understood to be in the neighborhood of two bits, or 1800 bits in all.
The program of the boys is all old stuff, for the Army does not go in very heavily for changes. One new tid-bit, however, is the announcement that "The Cadets will march in a special formation arranged for the visit to Boston." Take it, or leave it, for what it's worth.
The Mule Situation
Perhaps most of the local interest in the Military Men is centered in the mule situation. As last year, not one, but two, beasts will accompany the Corps, one being "Mr. Jackson," the real government issue mule, and the other being "Poncho," the little mule from Ecuador. Last year with the Pointers "Poncho" batted .300 falls in eight games.
A Cadet who gave his names as Stanley C. Scott, from Fort Belvoir, Virginia, will ride "Mr. Jackson," for the two understand each other. As the Honorable Colon (Colonel?) Alfaro, Ecuatdorean Ambassador, presented "Poncho" to the Corps, it is not too surprising to learn that it has been arranged that little Cadet Elroy Alfaro, son of sire Colon, will ride "Poncho."
Now for the Army team itself. Captain Bill Wood, Army's new head coach, left the Academy yesterday afternoon with his squad of 37 men. As in the case of the late lamented Ithacans, the Cadets will spend the day before the game at the Belmont Country Club.
"Woodrow" and "Huey"
It is not every enemy backfield which boasts such names as Woodrow Wilson and Huey Long, but the Army starting quartet includes them both. The Cadets use a single wingback offense with Wilson at tailback to the right and Long at tailback to the left.
Coach Harlow sent Wes Fesler and Lyal Clark to scout Army last Saturday against Columbia, and both returned with stern warnings about the shiftiness and pass-throwing ability of Woodrow and southpaw Huey. The Cadets' best play, their "three-point" fake pass, was largely responsible for their first-half drubbing of Columbia, according to these scouts.
As in the days of Army's great Jack Buckler, Wilson takes the ball and runs sideways faking or actually passing to the "three-points," an end running deep, a wingback medium deep, and a blocking back up close. Against Columbia, Wilson did not throw at all, utilized these three as blockers, and romped to the first Army touchdown.
Although Army finally lost out to the Lions and their ace, Sid Luckman, the Harlow scouts are convinced the Army team is "much improved" over last year's aggregation. Cadets who saw service last year in the Stadium are Captain Jim Schwenk at quarterback, Art Frontczak at fullback, little Jack Little at guard, and tackles Harry Stella and Jim Lotozo.
Tackles Tough
The Military tackle group is really their strong point. Litozo, at right, weighs in at 203, and Stella, at left, tips the balances at 211. Even the substitutes are both experienced and beefy, as is most everybody connected with the Army. On the defense Coach Bill Wood used both the five and the six men line at different times against Columbia.
One more opponent deserves special mention, right end Sullivan. He saw some service against Harvard last year and has developed fast since. He rushes in the same knife-like fashion that Brud Holland showed last week, and he is an all-round fellow, because he does the punting when Wilson is not in the game.
Altogether the battered Harlowmen will tomorrow stack up against their third really high-class team in a row. Not the beef trust that Cornell was, nor boasting quite such satellites as wingback Peck or end Holland, Army is, nevertheless, a high-riding organization, led by Wilson and Long. The Service elevens always hit the hardest of all the teams, as any player will tell, and this Army team will certainly give Bob Green and his men a real Soldiers Field battle.
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