
1913 Class Secretary, Looking for 'Lost' Man Sends Ad to His Home

Classmate Nolan Surprised At His Pennsylvania Home

To Carey J. Chamberlin, secretary of the Class of 1913, which is gathering together for its 25th reunion this year, goes the distinction of having advertised for a lost man and then having sent a copy of the ad to the "lost" person.

On the front page of "The Baker's Dozen," reunion newspaper of the Class of '13, was the ad with the big, black heading "Lost Men." Under it ran "The following members of the Class are listed as "lost" on the records of the College. If anyone could send me an address that was good even ten years ago, it might help in locating them. Any information as to roommates in College or other associates at that time might be useful."

This was followed by a list of eighteen names, among which was Adriance Bush Nolan '13. The copy was addressed to Mr. Adriance Bush Nolan at 1812 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, where he has been living for the past year.

Nolan can't even figure out how a man with the name of Adriance could get lost in the first place.
