
"Visiting Firemen" Limited Now at Dartmouth Carnival

Frats Object to Overcrowding, Plan to Cut Down on Guests

Palacopitus, the student governing body at Dartmouth, has decided to restrict the number of outside guests invited to the annual Winter Carnival, it was announced yesterday in the Daily Dartmouth.

This action is not directed against lady guests, but is designed to cut down on the number of men from other colleges, or "visiting firemen," who in recent years have been crowding the dances to overflowing.

Henceforth, invitations will be by means of guest cards which can only be gotten by permission of the presidents of each fraternity.

The first stop in the discouragement of wolves from other colleges was taken last May in a meeting of two deans, three secretaries of the college, and two faculty members, in conjunction with the Outing Club and Intrafraternity Council.
