

Pictures, Appropriate to a Winter Carnival, Must Be Submitted by February 7

A photographic contest and exhibit will be run in connection with the 28th Winter Carnival of the Dartmouth Outing Club.

Seventeen Dollars In Prizes

The prizes for the first, second and third places will be ten, five and two dollars respectively. A committee of three judges will make the awards. Professor Lathrop, of Dartmouth College, William Longyear, of Pratt Institute, and Frank Ritter, Display Director for Eastman Kodak Company were the three men chosen by the Carnival Committee.

Rules Of The Contest

The following rules will hold for all contestants: 1--The contest is strictly limited to undergraduates of Eastern Colleges. 2--Any camera may be used. 3--Contestants need not finish their own pictures. 4--Only pictures appropriate to a Winter Carnival will be acceptable, e.g. pictures of winter sports and scenes. 5--All pictures submitted must be 8x10 in. or larger, black and white mounted prints. 6--All pictures entered in the contest will be returned to contestant if return address and postage is inclosed. 7--To be eligible, entries must be received by February 7, 1938 and should be sent to Gobin Stair, Carpenter Hall, Hanover, New Hampshire.
