Sob stories and flimsy medical excuses will no longer allow students to skip their midyears and take makeup exams later, according to the rewording of the regulation this year. This is the first time the new ruling will take effect. It goes on as follows:
"Make-up examinations are granted, if the absence is due to illness, only if this illness is reported to the Medical Department before the examination has ended. Medical excuses from private physicians will not be considered unless the doctor communicates with the Medical Department before the exam has ended."
Dr. Bock emphasized the fact last night that statements made out by private physicians must be complete and precise, including, a diagnosis. Some 'pretty flimsy' excuses have been credited in the past, he said.
More important is the fact that no excuse will be accepted after the exam has ended. "We must know about it before the examination rather than afterwards," Dr. Bock warned. This enables the Medical Department or a physician to pronounce a verdict before it is too late.
The change in the regulations is intended to prevent the Hygiene Department from having to consider so many unnecessary pleas. "We cannot accept responsibility for so many students being absent from their Exams," Dr. Bock said.
Messages have also been sent out to the students by Dean Hanford warning them of this change, and adding that in case one should he ill "be sure that you follow strictly the procedure outlined above, for otherwise you will not be given the opportunity of taking a make-up examination."
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