
3 Harvard Professors Endorse Social Legislation Parley to Be Held Sunday

Repeal Of Teachers Oath Bill On Seven Point Program For Consideration

Heralding that "the need for action has arrived in Massachusetts," three University professors have endorsed a State-wide conference for social legislation at the Hotel Brunswick on Copley Square this Sunday.

Julius B. Bixler, Bussey Professor of Theology, Henry J. Cadbury, Hollis Professor of Divinity, and Kirtley F. Mather, professor of Geology, have indicated their cooperation with organizations bent on formulating a seven-point program to correct serious social ills.

To Consider Teachers' Oath

Third on the list is repeal of the Teachers' Oath Law which failed to secure the signature of Governor Hurley last year. The Child Labor Amendment and amending the State Workmen's Compensation Act are also salient issues of the campaign.

Sponsoring the meeting are progressive forces such as the State Federation of Labor, the Massachusetts Council of Teachers' Unions, the League of Women Voters, and the Civil Liberties organization. Norman B. Nash, Robert Paino Professor of Christian Social Ethics at the Episcopal Theological School has lent his support to the movement.


Aim to Check Reactionaries

The conference is being organized to check reactionaries who are "mobilizing their forces to further block the will of the people." Veto of the Oath repeal bill is cited as an example.

The endorsement message claims the "possibilities are great to pass social legislation," because in consideration of the important 1988 elections "politicians will be afraid to make a bad showing on progressive bills."

Chief speakers at the conferance which opens at 10 o'clock are the legislative agent of the Massachusetts Federation of Labor and Michael F. Widman, president of the Massachusetts Industrial Organization Council.

Liberal and labor groups will also consider plans for introducing in the State Congress measures to raise the compulsory school age to 16 years, gain the right of women to serve on juries. They have declared themselves against biennial sessions of the Legislature and in favor of the Civil Rights Bill.

Other outstanding figures behind the meeting are John D. Conners, national vice-president of the American Federation of Teachers, City Councilor Daniel Boyle, secretary of the Massachusetts Industrial Organization Council; and L. O. Hartman, editor of Zion's Herald.
