

Members of Campbell-Ely Club Named First in Qualifying Round of Ames Competition

W. Byron Kantack '36 and William H. Peck, Jr., members of the Campbell-Ely Law Club won the Scott Club Prize for the best brief submitted in the qualifying round of the Ames Competition, for second year students, it was announced yesterday by the Board of Student Advisors.

At the same time Brent M. Abel '37 and Edward T. Gignoux '37 were declared winners of the second round moot court arguments for first year men. The first place team, representing the Pound Law Club, received two copies of Ballantine's Law Dictionary.

Other ranking briefs in the Scott contest were those of E. Dale Adkins, Jr., and Linn T. Firestone, members of the Williston Club; and Frederick S. Lang and William P. Gray of the Campbell-Ely Club.

First Year Runner-Ups

In the moot court arguments runner-up honors went to Shepherd Brooks '36 and George M. Duff, Jr. of the Scott Law Club; and Malcolm E. Erskine and Bryan S. Moore, Root Law Club representatives.


Mentioned for excellence in the qualifying round of the Ames competition were Joseph F. Maynard and J. Willard Dungey from the Gardiner Club; Robert 11. Gardiner, Jr. '37 and Francis A. Goodhue Jr. '37 from the Kent Club; and Lee Parskey '37 and Richard P. vom Lehn, 3rd as members of the McLennan Law Club.
