

Late Subscribers Will Not Have Names Stamped on Covers; Biographies and Proofs Must Be Sent Also

Today is the final day that Seniors may hand in their biographies for the Album, while subscriptions sent later than today will not entitle the subscriber to having his name stamped in gold on the cover, it was announced last night by John L. Dampeer '38, chairman of the committee.

To date approximately 650 biographies have been turned into the Business Manager Joseph P. Kenedy, Jr. '38 at Winthrop G-21, while the committee has received subscriptions at the same address from 300 members of the class, Cash or a check is necessary in addition to the subscription blank.

In addition members of the class must return proof to the Vantine studies indicating their preference by this afternoon, or the photographers will select the picture which will make the best glossy for the Album.

The committee in addition to Dampeer and Kennedy is composed of Harold Van B. Cleveland, '38 in charges of articled; H. Bruce Griswold, '38 photography: and Vernon H. Struck '38 biographies.

Scheduled for publication in the middle of May, the 1938 Senior year book will contain, besides the 1000 individual portraits and biographies, photographs of 350 members of the faculty and of University views.
