
Circolo Italiano Offers Outlet for Interest in Italy

One of the outstanding literary clubs of Harvard University is the Circolo Italiano. This organization, founded in 1903, was established for the "appreciation of things Italian."

The meetings, held once every two or three weeks, include discussions and lectures on such phases of Italian culture as music, painting, the language, customs, and other things of interest to the student, whether he be of Italian descent or not. After the more formal part of the meetings, the club as a group sings various folk and popular songs of Italy.

The faculty advisors include Dr. Solano and Professor Weston, an authority on Dante.

The Circolo enjoys relationships with similar organizations in Radcliffe and Wellesley, and joint meetings provide a basis for an interesting exchange of ideas.

A reading knowledge of Italian is not required. News of the first meeting, which will be held about the middle of October, will be found in the Notice Column of the Crimson.


The officers for 1937-38 are:

President: Anthony P. Alfino '38; vice-president: Joseph N. LaTorraca '38; secretary: John E. D'Errico '40; treasurer: Mario C. Galassi '38; librarian; John C. Needham '38.
