

None of Men Chosen from Harvard but Colleges from Five States Among Those Represented

Six men have recently been appointed to fellowships for the current year here under the Department of Government's program of preparation for the public service. They are:

John Daniels Jr., New York City, B. A., 1937, Dartmouth College; holder of a Justin Smith Scholarship and active in the Young Democratic Club, the League Against War and Fascism, the Dartmouth Union, the Junto, and the Dartmouth Players.

George struan Robertson Duggar, Madison, Wisconsin, B.A., 1936, M.A., 1937, University of Wisconsin; member of Phi Beta Kappa, editorial chairman of the Daily Cardinal, member of the Senior Council, vice-president of the Interfraternity Board, chairman of the Forensic Board, and chairman of the Speakers Bureau.

Donald A. Fareed, Glendale, California, A.B., 1935, Occidental College; junior Phi Beta Kappa and president of the student body; graduate study in law at the University of Southern California, research work in the Office of Education of the Department of the Interior during the past year.

Burrell Warner Shippee, Minneapolis, Minnesota, B.A., 1937, University of Minnesota; president of senior class, chairsota Daily, and active in debating.


Theodore Walter Taylor, Washington, D.C., B.A., 1935, University of Arizona; president of Wesley Foundation and active in dramatics, swimming, and debating; graduate work at Syracuse and American Universities; experience as junior interviewer for the Rural Electrification Administration.

Willard Spencer Thompson, Butte, Montana, A.B., 1935, Stanford University; active in debating and feature writer of the News; graduate work at American University; practical experience as research assistant for the National Emerman of Arts College Intermediary Board, gency Council, and for the President's Committee on Administrative Management, and as junior investigator in the Office of the Secretary of the Treasury.

The Department of Government's program was initiated in 1934 to prepare recent college graduates or those with one or two years' practical experience, but not over 24 years of age, for positions as legislators or administrators in Federal, state, and local governments, and as publicists or trade association officials.

The course of study has been kept flexible in order that each Fellow may supplement as effectively as possible his own previous academic work and practical experience. For those who have not actually held government positions, the plan provides an opportunity to combine one or two years of graduate work in Government and Economics with a year's internship in some branch of the government.

Of the group appointed in 1934 and 1935, the following men have just been reappointed:

Robert W. Frase, Madison, Wisconsin, B.A., 1934, University of Wisconsin, Social Security Board; Paul Cushing Howard, Rahway, New Jersey, A.B., 1935, Brown University, Social Security Board; Dayton Wood Hull, Rochester, New York, A.B., 1935, Harvard, American Trucking Associations; Gove Griffith Johnson Jr., Aurora Hills, Virginia, A.B., 1934, Harvard, Treasury Department; Oscar Mendel Lurie, New York City, A.B., 1935, Harvard, will remain for an additional year with the United States Employment Service, and William Augustus Waldron 2nd, Schnectady, New York, A.B., 1935, Union College, will spend next year in the field, probably with some state government.

The men appointed in 1936 who have done graduate work at Harvard this past year will serve internships next year with the following organizations:

Charles Harmon Foster, Rochester, New York, B.S., 1935, University of Rochester, Division of the Budget, New York State; Philip Gibbon Hammer, Brightwater, New York, A.B., 1936, University of North Carolina, Senator Robert M. LaFollette; George Mason Ingram, Nashville, Tennessee, Valley Authority; Robert Hey Rawson, North Cohasset, A.B., 1936, Harvard, Treasury Department
