

Ruch, Massik, Reder, Mayne, Boyd, Meyers, Burbank, and Moore Get Posts

Announcement of names of 24 undergraduate House athletic secretaries lime lights the news in the 1936-37 Inter-House sport report which Adolph W. Samborski '25, director of Intramural Athletics, gave the CRIMSON last week.

On the recommendation last spring of a Student Council committee, upper class intramural programs have been handed back to a centralized H.A.A. committee. Funds are set aside to provide compensation for managers in each House who are expected to prove more efficient than the unpaid students of the system in effect through last year.

The Council's plan will strive this year to "keep defaults at a minimum and to interest a greater number of students in House sports."

Printed practically in entirely on this and the following page, the intramural director's report compares the outlines of the two plans and summarizes the results of the 1936-37 House sport program.

New Secretaries are the following:


Adams--Charles D. Ruch '38, secretary; Robert I. Brainard '39, Thomas P. Watkins '39, assistant secretaries.

Dudley Hall--Paul Massik '38; Julius L. Shack '39, Joseph B. Soltz '39.

Dunster--Charles Reder '38; Frederic E. Pamp '39, Donald McDonald '39.

Eliot--Robert M. Meyers '38; C. Lee Burwell '39, Peter Waring '39.

Kirkland--Wiley E. Mayne '38; Paul R. Wentworth '39, Frederick W. Heckel '39.

Leverett--William J. Moore '38; Robert Du S. Nuner '39, John A. Rumsey '39.

Lowell--Ronald R. Boyd '38; Hughes Call '39, Harold Stubbs '39.

Winthrop--Lyman Burbank '38; Jonathan G. Butler '39, William C. Flinn '39.
