

First of Seven Field Trips Will Take Group to Study Rocks in Vicinity of Malden

Free public course in elementary geology conducted in a series of seven Saturday afternoon field trips this fall to points of geological interest around Boston, begins today under the direction of Dr. Laurence La Forge, Research Associate in Minerology.

Today's field party will study various kinds of rocks in the vicinity of Malden, starting at 1:35 at Faulkner station in Malden, on the Saugus Branch of the Boston and Maine. The station can be reached from Boston by a train leaving North Station at 1:17 o'clock, daylight saving time.

On successive Saturday afternons, the field trips, which are open to the public wholly without charge, will study the "Strife Between Sea and Land," at Chapel Rocks, Squantum Head, Quincy, Oct. 2; "The Destruction of Rocks and Disposal of the Material," in Medford, Oct. 9; "Tilted, Bent, or Squeezed Rocks," near Arlington Heights, Oct. 16; "How We Tell Which Rocks are Older," at Spot Pond, Oct. 23; "How Geological Maps are Made," in Hyde Park, Oct. 30; and "How the Great Ice-Sheet Changed the Landscape," in Chelsea, Nov. 6.

In the field work, Dr. LaForge is assisted by Miss Carrie D. Denton, of Wellesley, Mass. The course is offered by the Teachers' School of Science, of the University Commission on Extension Courses, Wadsworth House.
