For the first time within the memory of the oldest grizzled inhabitant, that's the long eared man in the Square, successful Freshman football candidates will muss up the greensward of the Stadium in a real game when they meet Brown on October 30 while the Varsity is at Princeton.
Freshmen start practice this afternoon on Soldiers Field at 2 o'clock where they will be met by their coach, Skip Stahley. Equipment can be drawn any time prior to that, and Freshmen are expected to be ready to go at that hour although enforced late arrivals will not be held against the candidates.
The Freshman schedule includes six games, all of them tough. The season opens on October 9 with the annual Exeter game and follows on successive Saturdays with games with Worcester Academy at Worcester, Andover at Andover, Brown, Dartmouth at Dartmouth, and Yale.
The three initial games with the local schools are rendered more difficult because the schoolboys usually get a start of a week or two on the college Freshmen. Furthermore, a week or more is necessary before the Freshman coaches can put together a team from the packs of players with most of whom they are entirely unacquainted. A glance at the records of past football teams easily verifies this apparently pessimistic statement. The drought in Freshman football victories during the last two years has been desolate, to say the least.
Coach Neil Stahley will be in general charge of the Freshman squad. Ladd Macray will be the line coach and George Hedblom the backfield coach. Heddy was a member of last year's eleven. Enormously outweighed by almost all his opponents, he continually won praise from Harlow for his persistent fighting spirit.
At the first meeting candidates will be given personnel cards to fill out stating weight, height, age, and general experience. These will enable the coaches to get a slant on the general ability of the players. Medical examinations will follow shortly after.
Equipment and lockers can be obtained at the Dillon Field House any time now. As the season progresses the first squad will be moved into a special Freshman locker room, but assignment to lockers here will wait until after the first days of training.