
Memorial Hall Opens September 24 to Class of 1941; 1030 Freshmen Expected for Registration

1941 Will Have Fewer Number Than Big Class of 1117 Men Entered in 1932

Only 23 more times do the watchmen tear the pages off the calendar, and then it is Friday, September 24. The portals of historic Memorial Hall swing wide once more. Once more, in the three hundred and second year of Harvard, an entering Class, the Class of 1941, starts its course of Harvard history making.

It is of course impossible to estimate exactly the number of Freshmen who will actually register, but it is expected that the registration will total about 1030, slightly below the 1038 of last year.

Because of the limitation by Corporation vote of the Freshman Class to around 1000, registration does not vary much from year to year, but early indications are that the size of the latest Class will be slightly less than that of any of the last five years. Largest on record was 1936, 1117 strong in its Freshman year.

Geographically, there will probably be found the usual majority of Eastern homes and schools, followed by a solid Middle and Far Western block, and a smattering from almost every part of the Union and corner of the globe.

At Harvard probably all new Freshmen will be accommodated in the Yard, with a few rooms in Apley reserved in case those of the Yard prove inadequate.


Academically, November hour examinations first begin to tell the story. The new Class has before it the duty of living up to the increasingly high standards made by entering groups during the last decade:

Registration marks the beginning of what has come to be known as Freshman Week. During its course students are expected to settle down among their new surroundings in preparation for the first regular meetings of classes Wednesday, September 29, and Thursday, September 30
