

New Branch Office Brings Over 1000 More Law Men Under Department Care Than Last Year

Infirmary fees for 1937-38 will remain at the $20.00 rate instituted this year, according to Arlie V. Bock, Henry K. Oliver Professor of Hygiene, and director of the Hygiene department. Figures are not yet available to show whether or not there will be any money left over from the rise in the fee, but if there is it will be used for needed improvements.

Although the number of men treated this year is not yet complete, tentative statistics show that more than 1000 Law School students have already used the Hygiene facilities than did last year, while the figures for the Medical School have tripled. Law School increase is due to the installation of a special health office handy to the Law dormitories. The greater figure in the Medical School is due to a new system of checking students and registering them here.

The total number of men admitted to Stillman Infirmary or sent in town to the Peter Bent Brigham, Massachusetts General, or the Beth Israel Hospitals, where all serious cases are sent from the Infirmary, will probably top 1800 before the year is out. Last year the total number was 1,463.

Announcement of the $20.00 fee came last April when the original figure was doubled. Since Dr. Bock's appointment in 1935 the Hygiene Department has been steadily widening its services. More doctors have been appointed, medical services throughout the whole University integrated, and more patients treated annually.
